Saturday, March 15, 2008

handcarved rubber stamps

i've been trying to carve my own rubber stamps out of erasers. here are two from my collection. in the background, I'm trying out the design on chip board.


Jas said...

They're nice!

Unknown said...

those are super cute!!! nice job! was it hard to carve it out of an eraser? they came out great!

good luck!

femputer said...

That strawberry is ridiculously cute! I love it!

John said...

Oh, fun ! They look really cool. I haven't the patience for such things... wish I did. :)

ichigo said...

thx guys!

karma- the strawberry one was challenging since it's so small!

DECA Candle and Bath said...

That is a good idea.

I bet that took some work!

ThePeachTree said...

Wow, I'm so impressed :) They look fantastic!